Saturday, April 30, 2011

Rule #123

I saw this in tattoo version the other day...

Rule #123 ~ "It's not the years in your life that matter...its the life in your years!"

Make your life amazing!

Love ya'll!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

The 32 most commonly misused words!

Happy Friday!

Before you open the link below...make a list of the words you think will be there:-)

Make it a good friday!


Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The World After Consumerism

My second article for was published today

let me know what you think:-)
make it a great day!


Rule #124

Rule # 124 ~ Be Awesome all the time!

Make it a good day,


ps...Today was a productive day...
Quinoa presentation = done
Second article for = done
Taxes = started
Pair of shorts ripped during squats = check!
Still sleeping with my blond beauty = yeppers:-)

Monday, April 25, 2011

gut vs. brain

Quality Read!

Why your gut is more ethical then your brain!

maybe listen to your gut every once and a while?

make it a good day,


Sunday, April 24, 2011

Rule #125

Rule #125 ~ We change the world, one act of random kindness at a time:-)

Make it a good week!



ps...i am cuddling with my favorite 12 nipple blond tonight:-)

Rule #127 & 128

Rule #128 ~ When the internet is out...first look and see if someone unplugged the router! (10hour diagnosis!) haha

Rule #127 ~ Never ask a women if she is pregnant unless you are 100% certain! ...Opps

Rule #126 ~ When you have the opportunity to go to a family function...go! We might not get tomorrow!

Love ya'll! Make it a great day and Happy Easter!


Friday, April 22, 2011

Apple = the least green tech company?

Apple named 'least green' tech company.


make it a great weekend,


Action vs. Potential

What is life if you have not fulfilled your potential?

just something that was on my mind...

make it a good day and live your dreams,


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

You Make Me Smile! DO THIS:-)

April's Challenge in 5 Easy Steps

Step 1 - go to
Step 2 - upload a picture of someone who makes you smile
Step 3 - Insert text thanking that person
Step 4 - Make it your FB profile pic and tag your friend/friends
Step 5 - Copy & Paste the following as the comment - "To make your own smile thank you click here "
Click here to see more smile pictures or to join our 12 in 12 Facebook group -

March's 12 in 12

March's 12 in 12 is up:-)

For March we decided to send thank you letters to our military men and women.
Regardless as to your position on the the troops.

Make it a great day, Suchie:-)

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Sunday, April 17, 2011


Is inflation on the horizon?

so much to do...make it a good week!


ps...I will start writing again soon

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Apple is bigger then Microsoft!

Did you know that Apple is bigger then Microsoft?

Apple vs. Microsoft

Make it a good Sat!


Friday, April 15, 2011

India vs. china

India vs. China...kinda interesting

what do you think this is about?

make it a good weekend!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

China's Inflation you care?

Pretty sure parts of my life flashed before my eyes last night...
Anyways here is the article of the day...
China's Inflation Accelerates

So many things to tell! Signed contracts on Wednesday!

will start writing again soon...Make it a good day!


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

My 1st post for!!!

Where does your produce come from?

It's on the home page too :-) Also if you have yet to check out my salsa recipe, it is presently published by Rosemary Peters in Main Street Magazines april issue ~ get a digital copy at

Thanks for you support and make it a great day!


ps...subscribe and follow my blog if you are reading this! :-)

Monday, April 11, 2011

Chicks Rule!

Article #10 ~ Chicks Rule!
Passed my Personal Training Certification:-)
Who wants to get fit/super rippled?

make it a good day,


ps...I am buy and I'll fly, cook, and get you in shape in 6 weeks!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Research In Motion Eyes a Rebound

“Why is it that people don’t appreciate our profits? Why is it that people don’t appreciate our growth? Why is it that people don’t appreciate the fact that we spent the last four years going global? Why is it that people don’t appreciate that we have 500 carriers in 170 countries with products in almost 30 languages?”

Finished writing my first post for

make it a good day!


Saturday, April 9, 2011

The Millennium Project

The Millennium Project

15 Challenges facing humanity....


Make it a good night!


Friday, April 8, 2011

Love it! Make it a good day! love, suchie

YouTube TV?

100 Million Dollars is about to be pumped into YouTube!

Would you watch YouTube TV?

Make it a great day!


Thursday, April 7, 2011

Acai Berry Diet!?!

With all the hype surrounding the Acai Berry Diet, I thought I would look into the fact and fiction of the matter....

Give this a read for a factual based perspective ~ Acai Berry Diet

Make it a good day!


ps. I have my personal training theory exam today...fingers crossed.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

How much Data does the US consume?

Ever wondered how much data flows on a daily basis around the US?

Ever heard of a Zettabyte?

Total Daily Consumption of Data in the US ~ Richard Darell

Enjoy the read!


Monday, April 4, 2011

WOW! The Great Pacific Garbage Patch!

Today's article is a video...WOW!

The Great Pacific Garbage Patch

Make it a great day!


ps...if you did not read yesterday's article...go back and read it because it is amazing!
pps...plastic is not biodegradable!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

A Nation of Takers, not Makers! A MUST READ!

We've Become a Nation of Takers, Not Makers <-link

"More Americans work for the government than in manufacturing,

farming, fishing, forestry, mining and utilities combined."

Thank you Stephen Moore and The Wall Street Journal!

This article really gets one thinking!

Make it a great Monday!


ps. FB like and share this becuase it's true!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Forget the tree huggers?

Here is an interesting perspective...Article #4

~ Fast Company ~ Mitch Baranowski

Make it a good sat!


Saturday is meant for subscribing!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Massive Gas Price Hike Overnight!

Could not believe it when I read it!
(picture is article link)

Make it a great day,


ps. make sure to click on the link at the bottom of the article to check out your city's soon to be price too!

Do you know what CSA stands for?

Until recently I had no idea what CSA stood for. When I was first introduced to the acronym I thought to myself...Hmmmm self, now what could this stand for?

Cougar Sex Association
Community Sanitation Aid
Certified Seduction Allah.
Long story short, I don't know if I would have ever come up with the true meaning ~ Community Supported Agriculture. Maybe I am the only person who did not know the term...but CSAs are about to become the focus of my first post for So here is a sneak peak.

Article #2 time

Enjoy the read and maybe try out your local CSA.

Make it a great day and eat well!


ps...when you google Allah images, just that symbol above comes up....interesting eh?
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