Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Meet Future You. Like What You See?

Article # 1 - From the Wall Street Journal

"New 'Virtual Reality' Techniques Could Help Solve The Age-Old Problem of Saving for Retirement"

Can this work? Science seems to say yes.

Make it a great day and enjoy the read!

Stephen follow or subscribe:-)

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Changes Are Coming:-)

Friends, changes are coming! Presently, I have some business to take care of and want a little recharge...Sooooooooo for the next 10 days I will only be posting a notable article/articles of interest for your reading pleasure.

During this "recharge time" I will...
  • write my first article for excited!)
  • move
  • finish/implement a business plan
  • visit the accountant
  • take my personal training certification exam
  • "re tooling" the blog a little
  • get my "super fit" on and maybe wear underwear:-)
Each article will entertain, educate, certainly encourage growth, and be accompanied by commentary and a question...I look forward to your responses:-)

I thank you for your support and want you to make it a great day!

Sending love,


ps...I made Quinoa for the first time today...Hello Superfood!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Underware Modeling?

HAHA I know! But seriously, the opportunity may be presenting itself:-)
Style is yet to be determined....
Probably not...
This guy might need to go see a doctor...

Anyways, I think it would be hysterically fun to be an underware model. For now, I hope this thought brings a smile to your face:-)

More details are soon to come...make it a good day!


ps. Follow the link f you are looking for a good read re: Water consumption

Sunday, March 27, 2011

The Davinci Code = Service?

I felt like a Sunday afternoon movie today, so I put in The Davinci Code. I remember how the book captivated me during a time in my life when I was not interested in reading. The movie entertains and I find the actress rather attractive...sounds like a winner eh;)
Anyways, all throughout the movie today the idea of service kept jumping out at me. If you remember correctly, in the story there is a group called the "Priory of Sion;" a group entrusted to serve and protect the secrecy of "the holy grail." Well friends, I feel we are entrusted with serving and protecting our planet for generations to come. So today I have another question

How do you think we are doing with serving and protecting our planet?

Make it a great week!


ps. I feel a movement is coming, whether you like it or not. I just hope it arrives well before energy prices go through the roof. Can we please be proactive:-)

Saturday, March 26, 2011


After writing the Calorie Curious post on march 24th, a question was raised: "What about Carbs?" Great question eh?!? So more research commenced and WOW did I ever find some cool tools! However, lets first start with some Q & A...

What is a carbohydrate or "carb"?

Carbohydrate - "any of a large group of organic compounds occurring in foods and living tissue and including starch, sugar, and cellulose."

What is the role of a Carbohydrate?

As explained at "there is actually only one basic role of carbohydrates in the human diet: to supply energy." So can one survive on Carbs alone? No. An "organism is not capable of living long or well on bare carbohydrates alone...we must have our carbohydrates in combination with other needs, such as proteins, water, vitamins, minerals, fats, etc."

Now if you are anything like me, by now you are probably how many carbs do I need a day? Well its finally cool tool time! On I found a calorie counter that breaks down the amount of nutrient required from Carbohydrates, Protein, and Fat. (Illustrated in the picture below)

Those were the results for a 2000 calorie diet based on moderate diet ratios(45%carbs, 30%protein, 25%fat) and 5 daily meals. Your Caloric needs will vary depending on your fitness goals. In Calorie Curious I posted a chart from the American Heart Association depicting typical caloric needs. Check that chart out, or if you would like to use a tool providing more detailed results, as seen in the picture below, click here

Ultimately, keep one thing in mind...If you burn more fat then you consume, you will lose weight...If you consume more fat then you burn, you will gain weight. Listen to your body and consume a well rounded and balanced diet. Carbs alone do not cut it!

In part 2 of carb crazy we will delve into the different types of carbs:-)

Make it a great Saturday and eat well!

Sending love,


SUBSCRIBE its Saturday!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Food brings people together:-)

OK so it is Friday night and I got together with some of the boys for dinner and drinks... (BBQ'd Chicken w/sauted onions, carrots, broccoli, black beans, mushrooms and basmati)
Dinner tonight got me thinking of times when I was a "little" younger...
Times when we got together = Traditional Hungarian Bacon Frys...
(aka a Solezenasutech (SP))
(an occasion when bacon is my diet;-)

One of the beauties of food is that it brings people together.
So make it a great weekend and cook for someone!

Now it is time to go Dance:-)


Thursday, March 24, 2011

Calorie Curious (cooking week day 4)

I have always been Calorie Curious.
Seriously, can you tell me how many calories are in a head of broccoli, cup of coffee, or slice of cheddar?

Considering my love to cook...and eat (haha)...I felt it would be beneficial to grow my caloric consciousness. I find the following charts very beneficial at provide a basic breakdown of consumable items...(format below)

Food Item
* Serving Size * Carbohydrates(grams) * Fat(grams) * Calories *Proteins

~ Awesome Calorie Charts from
~ Food Nutrition Chart from

Now if you are curious as to how many calories an average person needs to consume to avoid gaining weight...the following paragraphs and chart from The American Heart Association provide some clarity.

Know How Many Calories You Should Eat

To avoid gaining weight over time, you should aim to burn up as many calories through basic metabolic function and physical activity as you take in. To know whether you're on track, you need to be able to estimate how many calories you need based on your age, gender and level of physical activity.

The calorie ranges shown in this table allow for the needs of people of different ages within an age group. Adults need fewer calories at older ages. For example, an active 31-year-old man needs about 3,000 daily calories, but an active 50-year-old man needs only about 2,800 calories.

Activity Level and Estimated Calories Burned


Age (years)


Moderately Active2




























1 Sedentary means you have a lifestyle that includes only the light physical activity associated with typical day-to-day life.

2 Moderately active means you have a lifestyle that includes physical activity equivalent to walking about 1.5 to 3 miles per day at 3 to 4 miles per hour, in addition to the light physical activity associated with typical day-to-day life.

3 Active means you have a lifestyle that includes physical activity equivalent to walking more than 3 miles per day at 3 to 4 miles per hour, in addition to the light physical activity associated with typical day-to-day life.

Eat well to live better!

Make it a great day,


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Diet, Diet, DIET!!!

What do the following words have in common?

Atkins, South Beach, Jenny Craig, Slim Fast, F-Plan, Weight Watchers, Liquid, Earth, Junk Food, Rastafarian, Starvation....

Yes, they are all DIETS!

We see diets all over the place today! Magazines have entire sections dedicated to the topic. How many infomercials/commercials have you seen in you life oriented around getting in shape? Seriously, the ab-roller, the bo-flex, and what the hell was that thing Tony Little was pushing a few years back...the Gazelle?
OH yes, you know I had to look up the image that has been burned into my brain. Stop tormenting my dreams Tony Little!

Anyways back to diets, they all claim to have the quick fix to getting in shape. Why is this you wonder? Quick fix = Quick money! I don't know if you remember me saying a few weeks ago..."the moneys not in the remedy, its in the bandaide."

Now it's time for the hard news, short of liposuction, there is no quick fix to being overweight. I would also like to take this time to note that liposuction only removes fat, it does not increase your V02, physical strength, or cardiovascular capabilities. Friends ~ BEING HEALTHY IS A LIFESTYLE CHOICE! If you want your body to preform at its best...feed it premium fuel and take care of it. You choose what you chew and how often you exercise!

Eat well, live better and make it a great day,


ps. if you want a brief laugh...look at this list of different diets on Wikipedia ~ Types of Diets Would the combination of F-plan and Rastafarian = cloudy and kinky? haha

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

My Simple 6! (Healthy eating/shopping tips!) CW#3

Today, I started writing about diets and I ended up with my 6 simple healthy eating/shopping tips:-)

Make it a great day and eat well!


1. Eat the rainbow
No, I am not talking about a diet of Lucky Charms! A simple way to check and see if you are eating healthy, is to make sure you see colour in your shopping cart. From fruits and vegetables to dairy, proteins and grains...a healthy diet eats the rainbow.

2. Stay on the perimeter!
Where is the fresh stuff in a grocery store? Our dairy, protein, bread, fruits and vegetables are almost always around the perimeter of the store...STAY THERE! The only time you will see me in the center aisles is when I need cereal, juice, rice, beans, noodles, or the odd spice/condiment. Fresh is best!

3. Have Healthy Snacks Handy
Considering the busy lives we live, I always try to have healthy snacks available. 2 favorites include apples and peanut butter or a all natural protein shake. What are some of your favorite healthy snacks?

4. Drink lots of water!
Now how many times have you heard that!?! haha Seriously though, water not only keeps us hydrated, it gives us energy!

5. King -> Queen -> Princess
Breakfast like King, Lunch like a Queen, and Dinner like a Princess. Your body needs energy to get you through the day, not in preparation to sleep! So, eat a big breakfast, it's the most important meal of the day. Considering you body responds to routine, an added bonus of eating a big breakfast is that your body will store less fat from dinner knowing it will wake up to a full recharge.

6. Natural Nourishes & Watch Labels!
Just because the Deli lady slices your turkey breast from a "meat mass" that looks like a turkey...does not mean it is 100% turkey! Just because it says 100% juice does not mean it can't still be from concentrate. Again, Fresh is Best and watch out for the small print.

Monday, March 21, 2011

What's the beef with Gluten Free? CW Day2

Recently I have been rather curious as to what is Gluten Free living? I keep seeing and hearing about "Gluten Free" this and that...but don't understand why so many people are adapting this way of life? Therefore, for Day 2 of our first cooking week, I thought I would answer the question...

What is "Gluten Free"?
6pm -> Commence research

10:30pm -> 2 conclusions drawn

1. Gluten is the elastic protein in some grains hindering the ability of villi in the small intestine to absorb nutrients.
2. People who live gluten free are doing so because they have Celiac Disease.

Then guess what question lead to another!

Question 2 ~ What is Celiac Disease?

In A Summary of Celiac Disease and Gluten Intolerance by Scott Adams, on, I found the following facts.

"Celiac disease, also known as gluten intolerance, is a genetic disorder that affects at least 1 in 133 Americans"
"It can be difficult to diagnose."
"If a person with the disorder continues to eat gluten, studies have shown that he or she will increase their chances of gastrointestinal cancer by a factor of 40 to 100 times that of the normal population."
"The only acceptable treatment for celiac disease is strict adherence to a 100% gluten-free diet for life"
"An adherence to a gluten-free diet can prevent almost all complications caused by the disease"

Then I entered the danger zone...I started thinking, and guess what arrived?!? Questions 3! Being that I love to cook and entertain...

3. What can I feed an individual with Celiac disease?!?

From Celiac in the City to Adventures of a Gluten-free Mom...I found my answer in Karina ~ The Gluten Free Goddess! Now maybe I got distracted by a mermaid here, but come does say GODDESS! (if you do not know the history of mermaids, click here to understand this joke:-) Anyways, my goddess Karina has a convenient list of safe, sneaky, and Gluten avoids in her Gluten-Free Diet ABCs...not to mention a multitude of menu items!

So there you have it friends...the basics of living a Gluten-free life with Celiac Disease.

Eat well to live better and make it a great day!


I need one more Networked Blog Follower to reach 30! Or SUBSCRIBE via e-mail:-)

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Cooking week Day #1

Being that I have my personal training specialist exam coming up soon, I have chosen to dedicate this "blog week" to nutrition. This week will be full of recipes, fun food facts, and a wealth of nutritional information. Simply eating different can change your quality of life dramatically.

You would not put diesel fuel into an unleaded vehicle...right? (Obvious answer = NO!) Well then why do so many fuel their bodies with garbage? Answer ~ simple laze or lack of knowledge? Therefore, to increase education...

Today I want healthy you think you have one or two?
(Send them in and we will check it out )

A few of you have already sent me recipes, for which I am grateful...know that they will posted this week too:-)

Healthy fact #1 ~ A workout regime is enhanced when complimented by proper nutrition.

Before writing this post I had a long phone call with a great friend, and among other things, one realization we came to was...

What value do you add to other people's lives?

As I strive to develop a sustainable global future...I hope this cooking week adds value to the health component of your life.

Eat well and live better!

Make it a great day,


ps. made some stuffed green peppers the other day with wild rice, carrots, onions, broccoli, and tomato:-)

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Is Happiness Overrated?

I love the Wall Street Journal! The other day I came across this article...

~ Shirley S. Wang

"The relentless pursuit of happiness may be doing us more harm than good."

Right from the first's an interesting read.

Make it a good Sunday!

sending love,


Friday, March 18, 2011

No Power!

So yesterday while celebrating St. Patty's day my phone died!
I felt powerless... figuratively and literally.

In a city with poor public transportation and not knowing the cab number...I came to the stark realization that I also do not know many of my friends phone numbers. Seriously, how many of your friends numbers do you know?

What do we do to make a call today? Do we dial a number? I think not:-) Most of us simply search through our directories and click on a name. I feel that as a society we are putting ourselves in a very vulnerable position. Are we in control of where our energy comes from? Nope...and with out energy, where is our information?

Something to thing about on a Sunday....

Make it a great day,


ps...I find this is an interesting write considering our recent dialogue over energy.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Why do we celebrate St. Patty's day?

Happy St. Patricks Day!

Do you know why we celbrate St. Patty's day? Seriously...I feel I could ask that question to pretty much every one in North America and very few would know the correct answer.

I received the following message from an amazing friend 2 days ago. Regardless of how near or far a friend is nice to be loved!

As I celebrate St. Patrick's day this year…

My goal is to keep up with all my green gear…

Including my camera, and my dignity- no fear!

There will be plenty of Car bombs and yummy green beer!

I will cheer on my gators, while rocking my Green,

I will try not to flash my panties or play the tambourine.

As I am older and wiser, though I am still learning to fly,

I would love to remember these moments as time seems to be flying by.

So come out and drink with your old buddy SAM,

I will dye your beer green and we won't give a damn!

We can all be Irish for a day,

So put on your green drinking pants and LET's PLAY!

We will start with car bombs at our favorite place,

Finnhenry's, then wall st, cus I do like your face!

With your favorite Irish pals, this night will be merry.

Or in the words of Barney-LEGEND-ARY!

Make it a great St. Patty's day!


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Lets talk Nuclear! Read to end

Lets talk Nuclear...
On March 14th I wrote:
"Yes, I am a proponent for safe nuclear power generation...Yes, I am an even larger proponent for clean/sustainable power generation and energy efficiency measures...and YES, I believe that from it's extraction, to burning, to burial ~ COAL IS DIRTY AND FINITE!"

If you have yet to read the last 2 post...5 minutes now will set the background.

March 14th ~ Nuclear Power

Before jumping into key issues raised in the Anonymous Comment, I would like to take a second to clarify...when I said "I am an even larger proponent for clean/sustainable power generation and energy efficiency measures" one can derive the following...

I want sustainable energy and energy efficient technologies to be implemented on a global scale. I would welcome the end of nuclear and coal fired energy generation.

My present nuclear position is simply based on the following:
1. our glutenous societal energy consumption
2. the finite and dirty nature of coal
3. political ineptness to implement stewarding policy

Ultimately, my question for you all is ~ Would you welcome the end of nuclear and coal fired energy generation knowing your energy costs will increase?

Sadly, we already know the answer. I am rolling the dice here, but I highly doubt the majority of you live in a home with SolarPV, Wind, a battery bank, Geothermal, and sustainable standards of energy efficiency....

Now moving onto our Anonymous Commenter(AC)...

Our AC states: "There is no room for an "oops factor" at a nuclear plant" and I absolutely agree with that! Quention ~ are you prepared to tell future generations "Yes, we knew we were pumping tons coal fired CO2 into the atmosphere but didn't care enough to stop...oops/sorry"...?

AC states: "coal is dirty but nuclear is down right toxic" & "The waste that nuclear energy produces will damage Mother Earth beyond repair..." Well until the government steps up, we the people demand change on a massive level, or the consumer puts their money where their mouth is...we are left with a situation where you have to pick your poison.
1. Yes nuclear waste is extremely dangerous!
2. Nuclear waste treatment is possible, however the technology has been suppressed.
2. The total amount of nuclear waste created from all the energy I would consume in my entire lifetime, would fit in a Coke/Pepsi can.
3. In the last 150 years our Atmospheric CO2 has gone from 280ppm to 391.76ppm! A direct and measurable result of burning fossil fuels. (talk about almost beyond repair!)
CO2now ~ present atmospheric CO2
Real Climate ~ Measurability of CO2

AC states: "Nuclear energy for this area...If this plan ever becomes a reality, I would move my family far away without a doubt. It only takes one tiny mistake to make cause a catastrophe disaster to occur." Yes, I agree that one tiny mistake can lead to a catastrophic event. However, I also feel we are making a little mistake everyday, a mistake that will keep adding up everyday we continue to burn coal/oil/fossil fuels. Yes AC...both coal and nuclear are used like you said: "So that we can have power so that we can have modern conveniences." How sad is that eh!?!

Now the semi-personal attack from AC: "If or when you become responsible for another human life, other than your own, you may in fact change your tune. With age comes experience and wisdom. Before you make such statements here on your blog or anywhere else, do you homework." The audacity of that statement amazes, for I would imagine(not being a parent myself) that a parent would want to steward a world for their child/children. However, many are purely teaching glutenous consumption, I dare not say most without sourcing and therefor giving legitimate grounds for the comment "do you homework". Lastly, regardless of age, if nothing is learned from an experience...can you really draw a correlation to wisdom? Frankly it is parental inactivity that saddens me most...if we could be Chain for a day..maybe it would get asses in gear! READ THIS ~ Not Homework

So lets talk alternatives...
Wind, Solar PV, Geothermal, Hydro-electric(Tidal, Current) or the largest energy saver...ENERGY EFFICIENCY! For these to really scale, you need consumer demand or a government to say enough is enough and PASS LONG LASTING POLICY! Businesses are in the game to make money and will adapt to policy! If a government says: "By 2020 all energy in our country will be generated via green/sustainable systems, we will pay fairly, not to mention provide a long term contract." BUSINESS WILL RESPOND! If you the consumer, whether parent, child or "normal dude," unitedly demand different product...BUSINESS WILL RESPOND! But are we willing to put our money where our mouths are?

If actions are any reflection...for many it seems the answer is "No."

Now how could I forget the EBM machine!?! If anyone knows someone with an extra 25million and a Local Distribution Company willing to issue a power of purchase agreement...this is a sustainable energy solution! Actually...if you just know someone willing to put up the money...we can battle to obtain a power of purchase agreement. Let me know!

In closing I want to reiterate what I wrote above:

I want sustainable energy and energy efficient technologies to be implemented on a global scale. I would welcome the end of nuclear and coal fired energy generation.

As we are all seeing in Japan...building reactors in areas prone to natural geo movement is dangerous.

So do we get green and clean...or continue with business as usual?

Guys and Gals...we have the choice! We choose what we buy and who we elect!

Thanks, make it a great day and lets choose love and stewardship!

Suchie quotes of AC were direct quotes, errors included.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Anonymous Comment #2

Another Anonymous Comment...

I love this and want to hear your opinions please.
I will respond to this and other pertaining comments tomorrow.
Thank you and make it a great day!

Suchie :-)

Stephen, I hate to break to you my friend, but there is no such thing as "SAFE" nuclear energy! Bottom line, whether human error or natural disaster there is always the potential for error. There is no room for an "oops factor" at a nuclear plant. It makes me shutter to think that some people believe that it's a good idea to put a nuclear power plant at Nanticoke to replace Coal Fired Power Generation Plant. I agree, coal is dirty but nuclear is down right toxic! You say your a proponent of sustainable energy and want to do something to make a difference for our environment, so think outside the box and come up with a solution that doesn't involve creating radioactive waste that we need to bury deep inside the earth, only to leak into our environment and cause God only knows what kind of undiagnosed disease for our children and our children's children! The waste that nuclear energy produces will damage Mother Earth beyond repair and for what? So that we can have power so that we
can have modern conveniences? Is it really worth the risk? We should take a page from our native ancentors and be stewards of the land, not it’s mortal enemy. Try telling the people of Japan and Chernobyl, as they die of radiation poisoning and cancer that nuclear was a good energy choice! Why not renewable energy source, wind, water, sun? Now the technology is expensive, just like anything that is new. However, the costs to Japan and Chernobyl have and will be astronomical for 100's of years to come! Do we really want to continue to poison our earth? Nuclear energy for this area, the most populated area of North America, or any other area is just crazy! If this plan ever becomes a reality, I would move my family far away without a doubt. It only takes one tiny mistake to make cause a catastrophe disaster to occur. If or when you become responsible for another human life, other than your own, you may in fact change your tune. With age comes experience and wisdom. Before you make such statements here on your blog or anywhere else, do you homework. Understand both sides of the issue and make an informed decision. Also, remember, Duncan Hawthorne, is paid (handsomely, I would assume) to have the belief system that he does. Look at all the other studies worldwide that refute the safety of nuclear power.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Nuclear Power!

Before starting todays blog I would like to take a moment and extend my condolences to those directly effected by the natural disaster in Japan.

Have you been watching the news coverage of the Natural Disaster?

Being an energy guy I have been rather intrigued to watch the coverage regarding the nuclear generation facilities. Now, I will come right out and say it...Yes, I am a proponent for safe nuclear power generation...Yes, I am an even larger proponent for clean/sustainable power generation and energy efficiency measures...and YES, I believe that from it's extraction, to burning, to burial ~ COAL IS DIRTY AND FINITE!

So why did I start talking about Nuclear Power today?

Well, as I have watched the news coverage...I feel they have been trying to build drama and fear regarding our nuclear energy generation security. As I feel much fear can be displaced through increased knowledge and education...I invite you to listen to Duncan Hawthorne, the CEO of Bruce Power(Ontario's largest independent power generator). He is also the chair of the board for governors of the World Association of Nuclear Operators.

Enjoy and make it a great day!


New Opportunities

If you do what you love, the opportunities will come...right?
Well I am excited to announce two new developments!

First ~ Starting later this month I will be co-blogging for
I will be vlogging/blogging in the "Lifestyle" section of the site:-)
Their slogan ~ "A world of difference..."
We all make a difference...only question is ~ positive or negative?
"To succeed, jump as quickly at opportunities as you do at conclusions."
~ Benjamin Franklin

Second ~ Recently, I have been approached about promoting other sites on the this blog. No financial compensation involved, simply cross promotion. SupersizeYourHealth was the first to approach me...let me know your thoughts?

Side note...I have an idea involving an electric motorcycle! Can I still say Vroom Vroom?

Make it a great day!


"You do things when the opportunities come along. I've had periods in my life when I've had a bundle of ideas come along, and I've had long dry spells. If I get an idea next week, I'll do something. If not, I won't do a damn thing." ~ Warren Buffett

Saturday, March 12, 2011

First or last?

Why do we feel the need to compete?

Is it ego? Are we trying to "keep up with the Jones's?"

Whether first or last...we run the race of life against ourselves.

You know if you are challenged or executing at your highest level.

You choose!


Friday, March 11, 2011

Challenge Yourself

In the rat race which is our world...what do you do to challenge yourself?

Hell...when was the last time your challenged yourself?

Tomorrow is a TED conference in London, ON... Theme ~ Own your Passion.
Following our passions and dreams in todays world...can be a challenge!

Friends, challenge yourself this weekend!
Feel the fear and do it anyways!

Make it a great day,


ps. if anyone happens to have a spare ticket or can get me in...let me know!

I talk to Strangers

Fact #1 ~ I like talking to strangers:-)

Fact #2 ~ right now you are probably thinking "Suchie, you're weird."

Fact #3 ~ I am certain many have shared that same "weird" sentiment.

Fact #4 ~ today I spoke with the following strangers...
2 homeless gents
An American money manager for CPP (Canada Pension Plan)
A Hungarian tradesman who had not seen his sister in 12 years but could actually pronounce my last name!
A guy with a busted iphone 4...but nice rolex
An Asian guy from an island close to Madagascar
An Indian lady who sat beside me
A rather hefty chap eating a pastry who could not spell Vixen (I also misspelt vixen)
and a film tech...subject ~ female BO

Seriously...what is weird about that? haha If anything, I prefer to view it as "unique":-) Yes, today I spoke with numerous strangers...and Yes, new experiences lead to new growth.

Fact #5 ~ all friends were once strangers!

To all the present friends/former strangers in my life, I would like to say thank you for talking. You have made my life better. Today, I went in with no expectations...and as I lay my head to rest tonight, I have new relationships in my life.

Always living, learning, laughing, and loving!

Make it a great day and go say Hi,


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Maybe I missed the boat

What do you do when you feel empty?

I am always preaching the positive...but today as I drove through suburbia...I just felt empty. My passion to develop a sustainable global future remaines...but I couldn't help but think...How can we change this?

How do we change a neighborhood with no public transportation?
How do we change the fact that many modern neighborhoods are built without side walks?

Yes, every path is the right path... dreams can come true...but how do we implement sustainable business practices in a society dominated by corporate giants and many greased pockets? (no I do not have proof of "greased pockets")

In an amazing conversation I had today with a friend I am lucky to have...she brought up a very interesting point...with balance existing in the world...Is there as much evil as good?

How can good triumph over evil is there is an equal amount of both good and evil......?

something to think about on a Thursday...

make it a great day,


I got my CPR Cert:-)

CPR certified! Anyone need mouth to mouth? haha I am presently at a
bar with far more women then men...a terrible dj...and if you new why I
was here you would laugh! what has the year since I have been to a bar during the week!?!
make it a great day! Suchie

Monday, March 7, 2011

3 must read quotes! TT

Today's Twitter Tuesday quotes all come from @PositiviteeUK

"Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all. Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exists in nature"
~ Helen Keller

Are you searching for security? Trust me, I want to hold and be held in love...but just maybe sometimes we need to be bold!

"You cannot plough a field by turning it over in your head."
~ unknown

Is something on your mind? Feel it out, make a plan, and act!

"People who are unable to motivate themselves must be content with mediocrity, no matter how impressive their other talents."
~ Andrew Carnegie

I heard it asked once...Why are there so many people alive?
Answer ~ because death is a hell of a motivator!

Cherish and focus on your fountains of inspiration and motivation
~ They are your key!

Make it a great day friends!


ps...almost finished my personal training certification:-)

Sunday, March 6, 2011


Do you ever wonder why you are doing what you are doing?

What it's all for?

Where it's leading?

Well I just finished watching Who Killed The Electric Car, a fantastic documentary by Chris Paine and narrated by Martin Sheen. Among the gut wrenching moments, your eco-friend Suchie also got goose bumps when messages of hope were shared. Friends, I simply have to have hope!

I have to hope that even though GM turned down 1.9million dollars for 78 used electric cars, instead electing to crush them...soon our corporate culture will develop a conscience!

I have to hope that even though California repealed its zero admission law after strong pressure from major auto manufacturers...soon our global governments will actually enact stewarding policy!

I have to hope the inherent good existing in all of us shines through!

I have to hope that as I write daily, I am working towards my goals!

The other day I shared some of those sentiments with an amazing women in my life, Tilly Rivers(official name drop:-) haha In typical Tilly form, she responded with love, real questions, and a tool.

The 10-10-10 Philosophy
Tilly wrote: "How is this decision going to help or hurt you in the next ...
10 minutes?
10 months?
10 years?

Pretty easy question eh:-)
Ultimately...are your decisions and actions getting you closer or further away from your goals?

I know writing is a vehicle that can help me accomplish my goals. Now the question is
~ what purpose will all my blog posts funnel through?

Make it a great day and make someone smile:-)

I have hope!


"Anyone who wants a revolution shouldn't grab a gun...just use science and technology to change the future!"
~Energy Conversion Devices Inc.

Saturday, March 5, 2011


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Friday, March 4, 2011

Is America No Longer No.1?

I strongly recommend reading the article below.

Make it a great day!


U.S. Decline in Global Arena:Is America No Longer No. 1? ~ byFAREED ZAKARIA, TIME MAGAZINE

I am an American, not by accident of birth but by choice. I voted with my feet and became an American because I love this country and think it is exceptional. But when I look at the world today and the strong winds of technological change and global competition, it makes me nervous. Perhaps most unsettling is the fact that while these forces gather strength, Americans seem unable to grasp the magnitude of the challenges that face us. Despite the hyped talk of China's rise, most Americans operate on the assumption that the U.S. is still No. 1.

But is it? Yes, the U.S. remains the world's largest economy, and we have the largest military by far, the most dynamic technology companies and a highly entrepreneurial climate. But these are snapshots of where we are right now. The decisions that created today's growth - decisions about education, infrastructure and the like - were made decades ago. What we see today is an Americaneconomy that has boomed because of policies and developments of the 1950s and '60s: the interstate-highway system, massive funding for science and technology, a public-education system that was the envy of the world and generous immigration policies. Look at some underlying measures today, and you will wonder about the future. (Watch TIME's video "Why Cities Are Key to American Success in the 21st Century.")

The following rankings come from various lists, but they all tell the same story. According to the Organisationfor Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), our 15-year-olds rank 17th in the world in science and 25th in math. We rank 12th among developed countries in college graduation (down from No. 1 for decades). We come in 79th in elementary-school enrollment. Our infrastructure is ranked 23rd in the world, well behind that of every other major advanced economy. American health numbers are stunning for a rich country: based on studies by the OECD and the World Health Organization, we're 27th in life expectancy, 18th in diabetes and first in obesity. Only a few decades ago, the U.S. stood tall in such rankings. No more. There are some areas in which we are still clearly No. 1, but they're not ones we usually brag about. We have the most guns. We have the most crime among rich countries. And, of course, we have by far the largest amount of debt in the world.

The Rise of the Rest
Many of these changes have taken place not because of America's missteps but because other countries are now playing the same game we are - and playing to win. There is a familiar refrain offered when these concerns are raised: "We heard all this in the 1980s. Japan was going to dominate the globe. It didn't happen, and America ended up back on top." It's a fair point as far as it goes. Japan did not manage to become the world's richest country - though for three decades it had the second largest economy and even now has the third largest. It is also a relatively small country. To become the largest economy in the world, it would have to have a per capita GDP twice that of the U.S. China would need to have an average income only one-fourth that of the U.S. to develop an economy that would surpass ours. (See Americans who are facing long-term unemployment.)

But this misses the broader point. The Harvard historian Niall Ferguson, who has just written a book,Civilization: The West and the Rest, puts things in historical context: "For 500 years the West patented six killer applications that set it apart. The first to download them was Japan. Over the last century, one Asian country after another has downloaded these killer apps - competition, modern science, the rule of law and private property rights, modern medicine, the consumer society and the work ethic. Those six things are the secret sauce of Western civilization."

To this historical challenge from nations that have figured out how the West won, add a technological revolution. It is now possible to produce more goods and services with fewer and fewer people, to shift work almost anywhere in the world and to do all this at warp speed. That is the world the U.S. now faces. Yet the country seems unready for the kind of radical adaptation it needs. The changes we are currently debating amount to rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. (Comment on this story.)

Sure, the political system seems to be engaged in big debates about the budget, pensions and the nation's future. But this is mostly a sideshow. The battles in state capitals over public-employee pensions are real - the states are required to balance their budgets - but the larger discussion in Washington is about everything except what's important. The debate between Democrats and Republicans on the budget excludes the largest drivers of the long-term deficit - Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare - to say nothing of the biggest nonentitlement costs, like the tax break for interest on mortgages. Only four months ago, the Simpson-Bowles commission presented a series of highly intelligent solutions to our fiscal problems, proposing $4 trillion in savings, mostly through cuts in programs but also through some tax increases. They have been forgotten by both parties, in particular the Republicans, whose leading budgetary spokesman, Paul Ryan, praises the commission in the abstract even though he voted against its recommendations. Democrats, for their part, became apoplectic about a proposal to raise the retirement age for Social Security by one year - in 2050.

Instead, Washington is likely to make across-the-board cuts in discretionary spending, where there is much less money and considerably less waste. President Obama's efforts to preserve and even increase resources for core programs appear to be failing in a Congress determined to demonstrate its clout. But reducing funds for things like education, scientific research, air-traffic control, NASA, infrastructure and alternative energy will not produce much in savings, and it will hurt the economy's long-term growth. It would happen at the very moment that countries from Germany to South Korea to China are making large investments in education, science, technology and infrastructure. We are cutting investments and subsidizing consumption - exactly the opposite of what are the main drivers of economic growth.

See "The End of Prosperity?"

See a graphic showing Amercia's decline.

So why are we tackling our economic problems in a manner that is shortsighted and wrong-footed? Because it is politically easy. The key to understanding the moves by both parties is that, for the most part, they are targeting programs that have neither a wide base of support nor influential interest groups behind them. (And that's precisely why they're not where the money is. The American political system is actually quite efficient. It distributes the big bucks to popular programs and powerful special interests.) And neither side will even talk about tax increases, though it is impossible to achieve long-term fiscal stability without them. Certain taxes - such as ones on carbon or gas - would have huge benefits beyond revenue, like energy efficiency.

It's not that our democracy doesn't work; it's that it works only too well. American politics is now hyperresponsive to constituents' interests. And all those interests are dedicated to preserving the past rather than investing for the future. There are no lobbying groups for the next generation of industries, only for those companies that are here now with cash to spend. There are no special-interest groups for our children's economic well-being, only for people who get government benefits right now. The whole system is geared to preserve current subsidies, tax breaks and loopholes. That is why the federal government spends $4 on elderly people for every $1 it spends on those under 18. And when the time comes to make cuts, guess whose programs are first on the chopping board. That is a terrible sign of a society's priorities and outlook.(See the recession of 1958.)

The Perils of Success
Why have our priorities become so mangled? Several decades ago, economist Mancur Olson wrote a book called The Rise and Decline of Nations. He was prompted by what he thought was a strange paradox after World War II. Britain, having won the war, slipped into deep stagnation, while Germany, the loser, grew powerfully year after year. Britain's fall was even more perplexing considering that it was the creator of the Industrial Revolution and was the world's original economic superpower.

Olson concluded that, paradoxically, it was success that hurt Britain, while failure helped Germany. British society grew comfortable, complacent and rigid, and its economic and political arrangements became ever more elaborate and costly, focused on distribution rather than growth. Labor unions, the welfare state, protectionist policies and massive borrowing all shielded Britain from the new international competition. The system became sclerotic, and over time, the economic engine of the world turned creaky and sluggish. (See how Germany became the China of Europe.)

Germany, by contrast, was almost entirely destroyed by World War II. That gave it a chance not just to rebuild its physical infrastructure but also to revise its antiquated arrangements and institutions - the political system, the guilds, the economy - with a more modern frame of mind. Defeat made it possible to question everything and rebuild from scratch.

America's success has made it sclerotic. We have sat on top of the world for almost a century, and our repeated economic, political and military victories have made us quite sure that we are destined to be No. 1 forever. We have some advantages. Size matters: when crises come, they do not overwhelm a country as big as the U.S. When the financial crisis hit nations such as Greece and Ireland, it dwarfed them. In the U.S., the problems occurred within the context of a $15 trillion economy and in a country that still has the trust of the world. Over the past three years, in the wake of the financial crisis, U.S. borrowing costs have gone down, not up. (Comment on this story.)

This is a powerful affirmation of America's strengths, but the problem is that they ensure that the U.S. will not really face up to its challenges. We adjust to the crisis of the moment and move on, but the underlying cancer continues to grow, eating away at the system.

A crucial aspect of beginning to turn things around would be for the U.S. to make an honest accounting of where it stands and what it can learn from other countries. This kind of benchmarking is common among businesses but is sacrilege for the country as a whole. Any politician who dares suggest that the U.S. can learn from - let alone copy - other countries is likely to be denounced instantly. If someone points out that Europe gets better health care at half the cost, that's dangerously socialist thinking. If a business leader notes that tax rates in much of the industrialized world are lower and that there are far fewer loopholes than in the U.S., he is brushed aside as trying to impoverish American workers. If a commentator says - correctly - that social mobility from one generation to the next is greater in many European nations than in the U.S., he is laughed at. Yet several studies, the most recent from the OECD last year, have found that the average American has a much lower chance of moving out of his parents' income bracket than do people in places like Denmark, Sweden, Germany and Canada.

And it's not just politicians and business leaders. It's all of us. Americans simply don't care much, know much or want to learn much about the outside world. We think of America as a globalized society because it has been at the center of the forces of globalization. But actually, the American economy is quite insular; exports account for only about 10% of it. Compare that with the many European countries where half the economy is trade-related, and you can understand why those societies seem more geared to international standards and competition. And that's the key to a competitive future for the U.S. If Olson is right in saying successful societies get sclerotic, the solution is to stay flexible. That means being able to start and shut down companies and hire and fire people. But it also means having a government that can help build out new technologies and infrastructure, that invests in the future and that can eliminate programs that stop working. When Franklin Roosevelt launched the New Deal, he spoke of the need for "bold, persistent experimentation," and he shut down programs when it was clear they didn't work. Today, every government program and subsidy seems eternal.

See 10 steps that led to the financial meltdown.

See 10 big recession surprises.

What the Founding Fathers Knew
Is any of this possible in a rich, democratic country? In fact it is. The countries of Northern Europe - Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland - have created a fascinating and mixed model of political economy. Their economies are extremely open and market-based. Most of them score very high on the Heritage Foundation's Index of Economic Freedom. But they also have generous welfare states and make major investments for future growth. Over the past 20 years, these countries have grown nearly as fast as, or in some cases faster than, the U.S. Germany has managed to retain its position as the world's export engine despite high wages and generous benefits.

Now, America should not and cannot simply copy the Nordic model or any other. Americans would rebel at the high taxes that Northern Europeans pay - and those taxes are proving uncompetitive in a world where many other European countries have much lower rates and Singapore has a maximum personal rate of 20%. The American system is more dynamic, entrepreneurial and unequal than that of Europe and will remain so. But the example of Northern Europe shows that rich countries can stay competitive if they remain flexible, benchmark rigorously and embrace efficiency. (See "The World Economic Forum in Davos: A Changed Global Reality.")

American companies are, of course, highly efficient, but American government is not. By this I don't mean to echo the usual complaints about waste, fraud and abuse. In fact, there is less of those things than Americans think, except in the Pentagon with its $700 billion budget. The problem with the U.S. government is that its allocation of resources is highly inefficient. We spend vast amounts of money on subsidies for housing, agriculture and health, many of which distort the economy and do little for long-term growth. We spend too little on science, technology, innovation and infrastructure, which will produce growth and jobs in the future. For the past few decades, we have been able to be wasteful and get by. But we will not be able to do it much longer. The money is running out, and we will have to marshal funds and target spending far more strategically. This is not a question of too much or too little government, too much or too little spending. We need more government and more spending in some places and less in others.

The tragedy is that Washington knows this. For all the partisan polarization there, most Republicans know that we have to invest in some key areas, and most Democrats know that we have to cut entitlementspending. But we have a political system that has become allergic to compromise and practical solutions. This may be our greatest blind spot. At the very moment that our political system has broken down, one hears only encomiums to it, the Constitution and the perfect Republic that it created. Now, as an immigrant, I love the special and, yes, exceptional nature of American democracy. I believe that the Constitution was one of the wonders of the world - in the 18th century. But today we face the reality of a system that has become creaky. We have an Electoral College that no one understands and a Senate that doesn't work, with rules and traditions that allow a single Senator to obstruct democracy without even explaining why. We have a crazy-quilt patchwork of towns, municipalities and states with overlapping authority, bureaucracies and resulting waste. We have a political system geared toward ceaseless fundraising and pandering to the interests of the present with no ability to plan, invest or build for the future. And if one mentions any of this, why, one is being unpatriotic, because we have the perfect system of government, handed down to us by demigods who walked the earth in the late 18th century and who serve as models for us today and forever. (See how to restore the American dream.)

America's founders would have been profoundly annoyed by this kind of unreflective ancestor worship. They were global, cosmopolitan figures who learned and copied a great deal from the past and from other countries and were constantly adapting their views. The first constitution, the Articles of Confederation, after all, was a massive failure, and the founders learned from that failure. The decision to have the Supreme Court sit in judgment over acts of the legislature was a later invention. America's founders were modern men who wanted a modern country that broke with its past to create a more perfect union.

And they thought a great deal about decline. Indeed, it was only a few years after the Revolution that the worrying began in earnest. The letters between Thomas Jefferson and John Adams, as the two men watched America in the early 19th century, are filled with foreboding and gloom; you could almost say they began a great American tradition, that of contemplating decay. Americans have been concerned about the health of their country for much of its existence. In the 1950s and '60s, we worried about the Soviet Union and its march toward modernization. In the 1980s, we worried about Japan. This did us no harm; on the contrary, all these fears helped us make changes that allowed us to revive our strength and forge ahead. Dwight Eisenhower took advantage of the fears about the Soviet Union to build the interstate-highway system. John Kennedy used the Soviet challenge in space to set us on a path toward the goal of getting to the moon.(Comment on this story.)

What is really depressing is the tone of our debate. In place of the thoughtful concern of Jefferson and Adams, we have its opposite in tone and temperament - the shallow triumphalism purveyed by politicians now. The founders loved America, but they also understood that it was a work in progress, an unfinished enterprise that would constantly be in need of change, adjustment and repair. For most of our history, we have become rich while remaining restless. Rather than resting on our laurels, we have feared getting fat and lazy. And that has been our greatest strength. In the past, worrying about decline has helped us avert that very condition. Let's hope it does so today.

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